MILE-TRAK is a texting service for your iPhone, Android, Smartphone or any other cell phone you might have.  Position and tacking information is sent directly to your mobile device

MILE-TRAK is a highly sophisticated product that is easy to use, and was developed by TekNet for use with all the IRC Tracking devices

Mile-Trak is the product you've all been waiting for. It's time to turn that Smartphone you have into to a really "Super Smart Phone".

Never before has getting the stats on your race vehicle during a race, been so easy.

Now with the Power of Information in the Palm of your Hand, You'll be the Winner, as well as the Vehicle you're Tracking.

Information Sent to your mobile device will Include :


Ordering Instructions

  • Fill in the order form below, for each phone you want service on.
  • Check the Terms & Conditions Box, and then Click the Send Button.
  • This must be done for each phone you want service on.
  • Include the name on the credit card you'll be using so we can reference your payment.
  • When you are finished adding phones, go to the Payment Secton to finish your order.
  • Select how many phones you want service to, then select the Race Event, and then click on the Add to Cart Button.
  • Follow the instructions in PayPal to complete the payment Process.
  • You can pay with any debit or credit card or PayPal account if you have one.

Order Form Information

Your Name:
Phone #-Contact:
Phone #-Text:
Phone Type / Model:
Mobile Service Provider:
Race Event:
Driver of Record:
Race #:
Update Rate:
Your Email:
Name on Credit Card:
I Agree With All IRC & TekNet Terms and Conditions

Payment Options

Race Event