D.C. is fenced off and the President is never going back to the
White House. But not for reasons you may be thinking.
Fear not, there will be a new capitol built and an end to income
taxes paid to the tax collectors of the Corporation that is now in the hands of
a new administration. They went to all the trouble to steal a corporation whose
assets are in the process of being seized. Most did not see this coming
for they did not even know their nation was a Corporation. But it is indeed but
now, no more are the states subject to it. Please read on to understand the
nature of the battle we are in.
the thieves in the light of day. So proudly they claim what is not theirs to
take…or is it?
In 1871 a sedious act was performed by the Government. A
coup was made to rewrite the constitution and put WE THE PEOPLE in all
capitals, under a new corporate contract transferring the United States of
America into the new Corporation of the United States of America which
transferred the power of We The People and the constitution over to the new
corporation. When they did that, it placed the citizens in the United States as
property of the Corporation which was centered in Washington D.C. This
action made Washington D.C. a FOREIGN ENTITY on American soil of
sovereign states. It was established through a loan from the Vatican when D.C.
was transferred into a city-state, and this corporate entity then ruled over
the people. Citizens’ rights were taken from them in this process. No one
realized this.
When they did the broker deal to get the loan
from the Vatican, they did so via the Bank of London. At that time, they
transferred all the property in D.C. Columbia over to the Corporate entity of
D.C. a foreign corporation. (See BACK STORY in full article).
The forming of this corporation in D.C. is of major
importance to understand, for when President Trump signed an executive order in
2018 on Election Interference/Fraud for entities both foreign and domestic, it
outlined how assets would be seized. The President and the people knew
and had the proof that a coup transpired out of the Corporation of the United
States of America along with other foreign nations and was ignored by the
Corporation in D.C. They continued with their illegal steal, and the military
is now in the process of seizing the assets of this foreign country known as
President Trump’s executive order was actually directed at the Washington D.C.
corporate swamp/cabal all along. D.C. is now walled in and filled with
military guard.
President Donald J. Trump has moved out permanently for he
cannot be president over a Sovereign Nation in a Foreign land, which is what
the White House and Capitol are. President Trump was voted in by We The
People. Not the Corporation.
After Donald J. Trump exits the White House, D.C. will be locked
down because it will not be possible for a foreign ruler to rule over a
sovereign country, therefore, the foreign ruler must be locked out. In this
case, that would be this new administration.
Now you see what is meant by Lin Wood’s shouts that we are in
the second revolution.
We are literally watching the reclaiming of the United States of
America. What this means for We The People is many things. One of them is no
more IRS. Watch and see how this plays out. It is a genius move. God is
in charge of this nation and is now leading his elect to restore this great
nation called by his name.
The City of London (that is the square mile within Greater
London) is not technically part of Greater London or England, just as Vatican
City is not part of Rome or Italy. Likewise, Washington DC is not part of the United
States that it controls. These three entities have one goal and that is to do
away with the old-world order of sovereign nations and usher in a new global
world order under one government rule under the iron fist of the cabal.
These sovereign, corporate entities have their own laws and
their own identities. They also have their own flags. Seen below is the flag of
Washington DC. Note the three stars, representing the trinity of these three
city-states, also known as the Empire of the City. (There is also high esoteric
significance to the number 3.)
The government of the United States, Canada and Britain are all
subsidiaries of the crown, as is the Federal Reserve in the U.S. The ruling
Monarch in England is also subordinate to the Crown. The global financial and
legal system is controlled from the City of London by the Crown.
The square mile making up the center of Greater London is the
global seat of power, at least at the visible level.
Washington DC was established as a city-state in 1871 with the
passage of the Act of 1871, which officially established the United States as a
corporation under the rule of Washington, which itself is subservient to
the City of London.
Corporations are run by presidents, which is why we call the
person perceived to hold the highest seat of power in the land “the president.”
The fact is the president is nothing more than a figurehead for
the central bankers and transnational corporations (both of which themselves
are controlled by High Ecclesiastic Freemasonry) that really control this
country and ultimately call the shots.
Washington DC operates under a system of
Roman Law and outside of the limitations established by the U.S. Constitution.The Unholy Trinity of Globalist Control: The Vatican, The
City of London & Washington D.C. – (awakeandaware.ca)
Washington D.C. Flag
Vatican Flag
The Papal States are the territories on the East Coast of the
former United States under the sovereign direct rule of the pope, from the fall
of the United States around the turn of the twentieth century to the present.
The Papal States are one of the regional powers of the Chesapeake Bay,
controlling the city of Washington, as well as much of the surrounding area.
Several towns, baronies, and other holdings outside Washington are also held by
the pope, creating an intricate network of holdings which pay tribute directly
to the pope.
The Papal States were born out of the former United States,
viewed by the modern world as an ancient empire and continent spawning
government. Following a violent coup in Washington, the Papal States were
established by Chester Hale Fitzgerald, built on the beliefs of a new religion,
which would later become Unionism. The Pope claims however that his power
originates from the American Empire, which supposedly granted the first pope
complete power over the empire via the Donation of Lincoln, a forged American
imperial decree. The document has since been used in support of claims of
political authority by the papacy. Know your history…read more
here: https://althistory.fandom.com/wiki/Papal_States_(Days_After_Chaos)
Flag of the City of London
So how are these three cities ultimately connected? We must
first go back to the Knights Templar and their initial 200-year reign of power.
You see this in the flag of the City of London. Read about the flags of all
Foreign entities here: https://awakeandaware.ca/the-unholy-trinity-of-globalist-control-the-vatican-the-city-of-london-washington-d-c/
In Conclusion: The Corporation called
Washington D.C. is now a foreign entity on American soil of sovereign states.
It was established through a loan from the Vatican when D.C. was transferred
into a city state and this corporate entity. It is now under siege for
interfering with the elections of We The People of the United States along with
the Vatican and the other foreign nations who interfered, such as Germany,
Italy, China, et al. They are now an enemy of the state and their assets
shall be seized. Our military has already been taking down the giant as we have
witnessed while all eyes were set on the voter fraud.
The word is in a shake down….
Italian Government has resigned: https://www.businesslive.co.za/bd/world/europe/2021-01-13-italys-government-in-crisis-after-matteo-renzis-party-quits/
Poland Government has resigned: https://www.dw.com/en/poland-jacek-czaputowicz-resignation/a-54633895
Russian Government resigned except Putin: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-51120166
300 Italian politicians and police charged along with Italian
mafia: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/dec/19/italian-politicians-and-police-among-300-held-in-historic-mafia-bust
The entire Kuwait Government has resigned: https://news.yahoo.com/kuwaits-government-quits-deepening-political-161447092.html
Dutch government of the Netherlands resigns: https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/15/europe/netherlands-government-resigns-scandal-intl/index.html
German Chancellor Angela Merkel steps down: https://www.wionews.com/world/end-of-an-era-german-chancellor-angela-merkel-prepares-to-step-down-after-15-years-357816
Malaysian Government steps down: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-51716474
Baron Benjamin de Rothschild died at 57: https://heavy.com/news/baron-benjamin-de-rothschild-dead-billionaire-dies-suddenly-of-heart-attack/
Estonian Prime ministers fired: https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/nation-world/story/2021-01-13/estonias-pm-resigns-over-corruption-scandal-in-his-party
Obamagate documents declassed – fully loaded with incriminating
facts: https://www.publishedreporter.com/2021/01/14/solomon-president-has-delivered-in-a-big-way-with-declassification-major-obamagate-documents-may-be-released-as-early-as-friday/
25,000+ National Guard and Military in DC and 10 state capitols
guarded and locked down: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/inside-25000-national-guardsmen-arriving-washington-dc/story?id=75299202
Washington DC in lockdown and panic: https://www.cbsnews.com/live-updates/joe-biden-inauguration-washington-dc-lockdown/
is this attending the inauguration at the Corporation of the United States of
No States?
look at Gaga inside the Apotheosis (raising to the ranks of a God) Capitol
Dome. Do you really believe the founding fathers would have authorized the
Greek and Roman gods to be painted on the dome of the rotunda? Do you believe
they would have Artemis’s goddess of freedom on its’ dome? Do you think George
Washington would have wanted a statue of him posing as Baphomet in the capitol dome
raising him to the ranks of a god? ALL ANSWERS ARE NO!
The entire corporate capitol grounds have been laid out by
secret societies in the shape of a pentagram that honors the god they follow,
that of Baal sacrifices of children. Sad, but so very true. All that is hidden
shall be revealed.
So be patient and remember what Trump has said, THE BEST IS YET
And for those who think this is a bunch of bull crap, to you I
quote the famous line from the epic film, Gone With The Wind….. “Frankly my
dear, I don’t give a damn!”
Why don’t the naysayers google antifa.com…..and see the
corporations new website! It takes you to it.
May God speed be with each one of you as this storm blows
through, and may each be kept safe in Father God’s mighty hands as he performs
his work, a marvelous work!
Dianne Marshall FULL SOURCE via The Marshall Report
For More Information Watch This Video: "The Banking Act 1871 - Expired".